Wednesday, February 17, 2016

This Saturday will be 24 years.  I don't care how old I get, I'll always remember this baby, this angel baby of mine.  I had a book event this Saturday, but due to some construction issues, the event has been turned into two events, of which I've opted to attend the latter rather than the one this Saturday.  Last year I did a balloon release to celebrate his birthday.  This year I had planned to put his footprints in a frame at my table with some paper so my readers could leave birthday greetings if they chose to do so.  It may sound weird or morbid, but I believe it's a positive way to remember him.  It's much better than lying in bed all day crying.

So...Now that the book event hiccup is being cured, and I'm going to be at this event this Saturday, I'm thinking of other things to do to celebrate his birthday.  If you've read my previous posts on this blog about Tyler, then you know I have no ashes or grave site to go visit.  All I literally have are his footprints.  My daughter got a tattoo a few years ago in honor of him, and....I'm thinking of doing the same thing!!!  I didn't want to do another balloon release this year.  I want to do something different but meaningful.  Now what kind of tat do I want????  Good question.  I could go with what my daughter did and literally get his tattoo that is on his "birth" certificate with his name and birth date on it, or I could do an angel baby or a butterfly or ????  I am going to Google baby memory tattoos or something like that and see what comes up.  I'll post a pic once it's done!


Well, I went for a consultation last night.  I liked what I heard the guy could do, but he wants to charge me between $60-$80, and right now I really can't afford that.  I will think about it, and maybe by next weekend I'll change my mind once I get paid.  I know I DO want a tattoo to honor my angel baby, and I want it soon.

Today I didn't really do too much.  I thought about Tyler and told him "Happy Birthday", but it was pretty much a somber day.  I ran a few errands and mostly slept as I wasn't feeling so great.  The weather was yucky, too, so maybe that had something to do with it.

Like I said, once I get the tattoo, I'll post a pic!

Till then....Hugs to all!

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